Tag: wallpaper



An unidentified mushroom north of Santiam Junction in Oregon located perhaps 20 yards/meters off of Hwy–22. Unless the mushroom is a delicious Morel or Chanterelle variety, I don’t even touch it. When I was taking this photograph, there were probably… read more Mushroom

Three Creeks Lake

Three Creeks Lake

Three Creeks Lake is framed in by the Tam MacArthur Rim.  You can see it here as a stone “wall” in the background.  If you are up for a hike, the views at the top are breathtaking. If you continue… read more Three Creeks Lake



One of many near the Oregon Coast, this one was at the parking area at Boiler Bay. Download HD Wallpaper


Darlingtonia (Carnivorous Plant)

Sometimes called a “pitcher plant”, Darlingtonia Calofirnica are a carnivorous plant that digest insects in the bottom of a large tube. From the sign at the “Darlingtonia State Natural Site” five miles/8 km North of Florence on Hwy-101 on the… read more Darlingtonia (Carnivorous Plant)

The Painted Hills

Painted Hills

The Painted Hills, a unit of the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, get their name from the stratifications in the soil. The bands are from layers of silt, vegetative matter and more from the time this was an ancient river… read more Painted Hills

Whitehorse Falls

Whitehorse Falls

Located at the Whitehorse Falls campground on Hwy–138 east of Roseburg, Oregon, you can see a view almost like this from the parking area. It may only be a 15 foot/4.5 meter waterfall, but it is a gorgeous 15 feet… Word of… read more Whitehorse Falls

Fort Rock

Fort Rock

The Fort Rock State Natural Area is located SE of Bend in Central Oregon. It is a ”Tuff Ring” or ”Tuff Volano”. The ring is about 4,460 feet / 1,360 meters across and about 200 feet / 60 meters high. It was… read more Fort Rock

Sparks Lake and the South Sister

Sparks Lake with South Sister

Sparks Lake is near Mt. Bachelor and the South Sister (the mountain in the photograph) in central Oregon. Taken shortly after sunrise on a just above freezing, perfect August morning. From this view, the Middle and North Sisters are hidden… read more Sparks Lake with South Sister

Mt Hood and Trillium Lake

Trillium Lake and Mt Hood

Taken near the boat launch on Trillium Lake, this view of Mt. Hood is a classic. Trillium lake is popular for camping, fishing, non–motorized boating, and photography. It is unique in that there isn’t a creek or river flowing into… read more Trillium Lake and Mt Hood