About This Website

When I started this website, my goal was to provide photographs of places you can see from, or near, your automobile. Perhaps you are just traveling in the area and want something to seeā€¦ Maybe you are not as mobile as you used to be, not comfortable hiking for hours to get to a mountain lake, can not because of kids, perhaps you just want to take it in and enjoy your air conditioning. Whatever your reason, I hope you can find a new place to experience because of the photographs here.

I have tried to keep everything easy to understand here. No technical mumbo jumbo about the geology of the area or a the scientific classification of an animal. If you are eight or 108, you should not have any issues here. If you need details, then continue your journey to a website that goes into that level of detail.

I have tried to include all of the information you need to find the locations and scenes you see here. Typically I include road or highway names or numbers with mileposts where possible. When I can not do it, I try to include other information that will help you figure out where I was.

Enjoy your journey!