Two Tuya Subglacial Volanoes

These are a real treat! Tuya subglacial volcanoes are basically volcanoes that erupt under an ice sheet. The erupting volcano, with the cooling effects of the ice, weight of the ice sheet above, and the effects of the lake the eruption causes, the volcano ends up assuming a cylindrical flat top shape. They are very rare, and we have two right next to each other.

In the wide angle view, you can see Mt. Washington on the left, with Hayrick Butte (a flat top extinct tuya volcano), Hoodoo Butte (a volcanic cinder cone) with a snow ski resort on it, and to the far right is Hogg Rock (another flat top extinct tuya volcano). This view is over the top of a forest fire recovery zone.

Both of these are visible from Hwy-20 east of Albany and Salem. The highway is actually on the slope of Hogg Rock (on the left side of the rock from this viewpoint)

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Photo location from Google Maps

Hogg Rock on Google Maps

Hayrick Butte on Google Maps

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