Tag: flower

Deadly Beauty - Foxglove

Deadly Beauty

Foxglove, or digitalis purpurea, is a poisonous plant that is deadly and beautiful. The stem of flowers can reach 6.5 ft/2.2m in its second year. The wild ones, like those here, are typically white or purple, but other colors are… read more Deadly Beauty

Calypso Orchids

Bunches of Orchids

The Calypso Orchid (calypso bulbosa) is a welcome sight. Seeing them as singles or small groups is common, this was part of a group of perhaps 200 or so. Due to the sensitive nature of the orchid, the exact location… read more Bunches of Orchids

Gold Star

Gold Star

This was taken along the Mosier Twin Tunnel Trail just outside of Hood River, Oregon. This “trail” is part of the conversion of some remnants of the Historic Columbia River Highway to a bicycle & pedestrian path. You can travel through the twin tunnels… read more Gold Star

Calypso Orchid

Calypso Orchid

The Calypso Orchid (calypso bulbosa) is a welcome sight. They are common and yet elusive at the same time. They may be found in a forest park, ditch, along a stream or river, or even in the shade of a… read more Calypso Orchid



The International Rose Test Garden is located in Washington Park in Portland, Oregon. It features 10,000 roses plants from about 650 varieties. Any time is nice, but the blooms peak in the June/July time range. That is the best, most… read more Roses!